water world day blog
SODALITE is building a scalable tool to exploit the mountain images from web cams and user photos to estimate the snow pack in predict water availability in Alpine lakes.
SODALITE Architecture
The back-end for practically any new software application domain, from healthcare to aerospace, is in the data centre.
heterogeneity alliance sodalite blog
In recent years, the global market has seen a tremendous rise in utility computing, which serves as the back-end for practically any new technology, methodology or application-level advancement, from healthcare to aerospace.
skydive in sodalite blog
One aspect of Sodalite is to monitor the usage of the resources on a Cluster and to use that information to adjust applications and their deployment to improve their performance.
The structure of the feed-forward artificial deep neural network (DNN)
Artificial Intelligence, the attempt to create an intelligent agent, gained popularity with the success of AlexNet for image recognition in 2012. The proposed combination of stacked neural networks (called Deep Neural network) and the use of GPUs to drastically reduce network training times compared to previous iterations, led to a boom in the use of such networks for image recognition and speech recognition.
the meaning of software engineering sodalite blog
This post is about Software Engineering and its perception in the technical field. You may remember that we launched a survey, where we tried to identify and better understand the role of Software Engineering in different technology sectors.
code smells in infrastructure as a code sodalite blog
Infrastructure as code (IaC) simplify the provision and configuration of the IT infrastructure at scale. Enterprises are increasingly adopting IaC. For example, Intercontinental Exchange, who owns exchanges for financial and commodity markets, and operates 12 regulated exchanges and marketplaces, maintains 75% of its 20,000 servers using IaC scripts [1]. As the size and complexity of the IaC projects increase, it is critical to maintain the code and design quality of IaC Scripts.
infrastructure as a code sodalite blog
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a novel paradigm that makes system administrators’ work quite similar to the work of programmers. In fact, today system administrators (sysadmins) do not have to manually perform the provisioning, configuration, and deployment processes as they can exploit some IaC languages to write pieces of code which automate such processes and can be executed more and more times.
semantic technologies sodalite blog
A short introduction to Semantic Technologies, and SODALITE’s approach for their application in the software engineering domains.
xopera sodalite blog
This article reveals some of the advantages that xOpera can offer as orchestrator. Our partners from XLAB are the authors of this article which we hope you can enjoy the read and learn new things about this agile orchestrator.
orchestration on cloud and hpc blog
Cloud optimizes High Performance Computers performance and enables new development architectures.
sodalite blog actors and use cases
The SODALITE vision is to support Digital Transformation of European Industry through increasing design and runtime effectiveness of software-defined infrastructures, to ensure high-performance execution over dynamic heterogeneous execution environments. As a result of these facts, SODALITE will increase simplicity of modelling applications and infrastructures, to improve manageability, collaboration, and time to market.