
The European Research Institute in Service Science that participates in this project is hosted by the University of Tilburg (Netherlands).


iti certh logo

(CERTH), founded in 2000, is the only research centre in Northern Greece and one of the largest in the country.



IBM Research is one of the world’s largest and most influential corporate research labs, with more than 3,000 researchers in 12 labs located across six continents.



Adaptant® is a small German SME focused on enabling adaptable and ethical data utilization by individuals and enterprises, large and small.



Politecnico di Milano was established in 1863. Its most eminent professors have included the mathematician Francesco Brioschi, Luigi Cremona, and Giulio Natta (Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1963).



Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 72 countries and annual revenue of around € 12 billion. The European number one in Big Data, Cybersecurity, High Performance



The High Performance Computing Centre (HLRS) is a research and service institution affiliated to the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT). Founded in 1829, the foremost aim of the University of Stuttgart in research and teaching lies in the fields of engineering and the natural sciences.



XLAB Research is recognized as one of the strongest computer science research teams outside the academic world in Slovenia. It employs 40 people including 8 with a PhD and the vast majority


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825480. Privacy policy



Nowadays progress and results in the area of precision farming (PF) including fertilisation, protection and water management, stimulate a new demand of EO services, and consequently in the utilisation of EO data for PF purposes.

Applied agricultural science


Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Sustainable Agriculture are still major global challenges.

Food security initiatives


Land use information, yield estimation and potential food market development are critical business data for investors and banks; meanwhile assessment of damage from natural catastrophes is crucial for insurance companies.

Are you a financial organization?


Paying Agency management and technical staff in charge of the EU agricultural subsidies in compliance with the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will benefit from the dedicated EO4Agri platform where information exchange and best practice assessment can be performed.

Are you a Government authority?


EO4AGRI will provide with orientation aid related to the availabilities of data, service and tools to farmers and farmer associations in order to support them in the utilization of EO data-fueled information systems and related state-of-the-art farm management technology.

Are you a farmer?

José Lorenzo is the Head of the Manufacturing, Retail and Environment Market in Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) and former E&U Market Manager also in ARI

José Lorenzo

user photo
Miguel Ángel Esbrí is the Research Line Expert for geospatial technologies within Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) department.

Miguel Ángel Esbrí

from the software providers perspective, reduce the times for software development, packaging, and deployment of applications requiring software-defined heterogeneous HPC.


enabling static optimisation of the so-abstracted applications onto specific infrastructures

Deployment Continuity

 flexibility means simplicity to deploy an application onto different compute targets (e.g., x86, arm, gpu, fpga) and with response times for actual deployment


increase, by means of optimisation, applications’ effectiveness, that is, the ratio between performance of abstracted and deployed application.
